Acclaimed writer Al Ewing continues his groundbreaking run on Thor, the God of Thunder! The All-Father Thor sought answers to his new troubles in memories of old. And to refresh those memories, he consulted his Skald of Realms... to tell a tale of when young Thor and young Loki journeyed out beyond Asgard, on a quest that would determine the fate of all the Realms! Young Thor faced the tricks of the Utgard-Loki, with all that lived at stake - in a tale twice-told, and now told again. Yet the teller was the Skald, in their aspect as Thor's enemy. And thus, the tale could twist upon itself - and if Thor faltered, it could make a new end! This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR... and the story may yet destroy us all. Collecting: Immortal Thor (2023) 6-10, Roxxon Presents: Marvel Comics' Thor (2024) 1