Night Over Germany, a harsh indictment of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against its opponents, was first published in volume form in 1976. This novel in images, composed of a set of 107 linocuts made between 1937 and 1938 by Carl Meffert / Clément Moreau, was published in serial form in 1940 in various Argentinian newspapers under the title 'Comedia humana' [Human Comedy] and then, the following year, in a watered-down version, in the form of a brochure entitled 'Prohibido escuchar' [Forbidden to listen]. This edition follows the same layout as the 1976 edition – an almost silent story, punctuated only by rare captions to enlighten the reader throughout this “journey to the end of the night”.
76 x 116 mm / 224 pages / 75 g