Posted by Will on 8th Feb 2025
Cry When the Baby Cries Launch Party With Becky Barnicoat
We're crying, but they're tears of excitement! We're so excited to announce a launch party with Becky Barnicoat to celebrate her brand new book from Jonathan Cape, Cry When the Baby Cries! Becky's sincere, witty and compassionate account of parenthood will be launching here on Thursday 13th March 2025, from 7-9pm. Here's what Jonathan Cape say about it:
A glorious antidote to parenting books, this darkly humorous, candid and insightful graphic memoir brings the early years of parenthood to life – in all their chaos, wonder and delirium.
Intimate, relatable and very funny, Becky Barnicoat explores everything from the anatomy of the hospital bag to the frantic obsession with putting your baby down drowsy but awake, to the tyranny of gentle parenting. From pregnancy to the feral toddler years, Barnicoat extends a sticky hand to all new parents grappling with the impossible but joyous jigsaw puzzle of their lives.
Barnicoat gives us permission to cry when the baby cries – and also laugh, snort, lie on the floor naked, drool and generally revel in a deeply strange new world ruled by a tyrannical tiny leader, growing bigger and more loved by the day.
Meet Becky and grab a copy of the graphic memoir on Thursday 13th March, from 7pm. You can pre-order a signed copy from our website for mail-order or collection by clicking the link here.
Keep up to date with all news over on our Facebook event page.