Posted by Andrew on 24th Mar 2025
The Gosh! Authority 26.03.25
Not one, but two events this week! First up, on Thursday, 7-9pm, the most excellent Tor Freeman will be here to celebrate the launch of her new book Boss of the Underworld! Details here.
And then on Saturday, 1-2pm, UK indie legend Paul Rainey will be here signing copies of the Drawn & Quarterly edition of There's No Time Like the Present! Details here.
Okay...let's talk comics. Looks like the Image books are MIA again this week, so hopefully a double load next!
- ABSOLUTE MARTIAN MANHUNTER #1 - Without a doubt, behind Absolute Batman this reimagining of the Martian Manhunter by Deniz Camp and Javier Rodriguez is one of the most anticipated book we've seen for the Absolute line (or any line in some time, for that matter). It's easy to see why: Camp is one the hottest writers in the industry right now, and Rodriguez' unique vision promises something fresh and new for our Martian friend. A perfect use of the Absolute brand: launching familiar properties with exciting talent taking big swings conceptually and stylistically. Top marks, DC.
- BATMAN #158 - Jeff Loeb and Jim Lee take the reins this issue for Hush 2: Electric Hushaloo! With an initial six issue run to #163, the story will continue after a break. Unclear whether that's after the Matt Fraction run starting in #164, or in a separate spin-off, but either way it seems pretty sensible to let Lee give it his best. Precious few story details available at this time, so I guess pick it up and see!
- FREE FOR ALL #1 - A 56-page one-shot by Gosh fave Patrick Horvath (he of Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees fame), set in a future where the problem of wealth inequality has been solved! Trillionaires and billionaires are now players in the World Finance League, where they are randomly chosen and given the choice: donate half their wealth or fight to the death against their ultra-rich peers to keep it. One such man is the reigning champion with 22 victories under his belt. His next opponent: his ex-wife, who has been training hard for the chance to take him down. Love the look of this.
- PEACEMAKER PRESENTS THE VIGILANTE EAGLY DOUBLE FEATURE #1 - James Gunn fans take note! This double-header is a direct tie-in to his Peacemaker TV series, with story input from Gunn, and all the attendant R-rated attitude. With one story by Tim Seeley and Mitch Gerads following the Vigilante trying to get to the bottom of Peacemaker's disappearance and the other by Rex Ogle & Matteo Lolli following the heroic Eagly and his human sidekick.
- FAR DOWN BELOW #1 - An 80s throwback to the kind of horror-flavoured adventure that we of a certain age think dominated cinema at the time, but was actually probably just half a dozen movies that burned into our brains. That Texas Blood writer Chris Condon teams up with artist Gegê Schall for a tale of two young men investigating a notoriously haunted house, and its connection to what happened to one of their relatives back in the 1860s. Entertaining stuff, and Condon has proven to be a writer to always take a punt on.
- GODZILLA VS FANTASTIC FOUR #1 - Godzilla fights the FF in the first of a series of big G vs Marvel one-shots, this one by Ryan North & John Romita Jr. Who's going to win? Or will they enter a kind of weird stand-off where both get to retreat with their dignity intact? Or perhaps team up against a common enemy after a "misunderstanding fight"? Take your bets!
- SOLOMON KANE THE SERPENT RING #1 - Patrick Zircher was clearly enjoying his Solomon Kane tales in Savage Sword, so Titan have let him loose on a mini-series which sees Kane travelling from Africa to Europe in search of the Serpent Ring of Set, no doubt battling Godless cultists along the way.
- OUR BRILLIANT RUIN HORROR AT CRANE MANSION #1 - A tie-in mini-series to the Our Brilliant Ruin RPG by Cullen Bunn and Christopher Mitten, whose involvement will probably elevate it beyond standard licensed quality. A PI finds herself involved in horrific goings on when she's hired to vet the suitors of a wealthy woman.
- DOOM'S DIVISION #1 - It's the return of Tiger Division by Yoon Ha Lee & Minkyu Jung. The South Korean hero team are now working under the authority of Doctor Doom, but not everyone on the team is thrilled by that idea.
- HARLEY QUINN FARTACULAR SILENT BUTT DEADLY #1 - I thought I had dreamed this after eating a cheese board before bed.
And with that bombshell, I'm outta here!