Posted by Will on 20th Aug 2022
X-Cellent Volume 1 Signing with Peter Milligan
We are joined by none other than Peter Milligan for a signing to celebrate the release of X-Cellent Volume 1. Peter will be in the shop to meet people and sign comics on Saturday 15th October, from 1-2pm.
X-Cellent sees the return of Peter Milligan, Mike Allred and Laura Allred in the succession of fan-favourite series X-Statix. Here's some words from Marvel:
They were loved by their adoring fans. They were reviled by the harsh press. They lived, they loved, they fought and they died…a lot — all for the sake of fame. They were the X-Statix, a team of mutant celebrities fighting for a brighter world and an even brighter spotlight! But they're old news now, because there's a new mutant team that will live harder, love harder, fight harder and die a whole lot harder than those has-beens! Peter Milligan, Michael Allred and Laura Allred return to introduce the best new super hero team you didn't know you needed! Meet…THE X-CELLENT!
For a chance to meet Peter Milligan, then head over to our shop on Saturday 15th October, from 1-2pm. If you can't make it, then you can pre-order signed copies of X-Cellent Volume 1 for mail order or collection on our website here.
Keep up to date with any updates over on our Facebook event page.