Based ten years after the events of Simon Furman and Geoff Senior's (Transformers fan favourite creators) 10 part maxi-series, To The Death, these five chapters were originally presented in the SHIFT 2022 Yearbook, seemingly as unconnected one off strips - but are actually part of the same shared universe. Presented here as a self-contained book, in sequence and in US format, to match the original series, featuring - Another Time and Place with art by Hal Laren Bring the Rayne - Simon Furman and Barry Kitson back together after 30+ years! The team that brought you the stunning episodes of Dinobot Hunt and Second Generation in Marvel UK's Transformers The Key with art by Andrew Sawyers Secret History, with art by Lyndon Webb and Lee Milner The End of the Beginning with Geoff Senior, Steve White and Richard Starkings - the original Dragon's Claws team!