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105 pages  Color / Black & White 
22 x 29 cm printed on a 150 grams paper 
Soft Cover
This comic book is almost textless Except on a few pages where some texts are in French

You've been chosen, you're one of the chosen few, and Winshluss invites you to take a ride in his famous Club de la Mort! Reach into your pocket, find your ticket and launch yourself into the maze of this macabre funfair, where fright vies with sarcasm. Guided through the attractions by the Grim Reaper himself, you'll chuckle to yourself at the tableaux he conjures up before you, compiling the vanities and mediocre dreams of a humanity on borrowed time, obese and rotting... But it'll be your own decomposed face, crawling with worms, that you'll come across at the bend of a corridor in the Hall of Mirrors!

You'll take solace in the fact that your fellow ghost train passengers won't look much better than you, Disney avatars, B-movie puppets and survivors of a zombie movie shown one night in a Tijuana cinema when the air conditioning failed. But before you can even exchange a few phalanges with them, you'll be dragged along by your friend to the roller coaster, where you'll appreciate having neither heart nor stomach left.

To recover from your emotions, the great parade of horrors will show you, with entomological precision, your fellow creatures eating, living and mating in a swarm of cockroaches. The Camarde, who is little more than an insect exterminator, will reduce them to pulp for your sole entertainment in a bouquet of splashes!