When a charismatic prophet comes to town, the residents of Moominvalley are easily convinced to follow his doctrine for true happiness. Intrigued by their friends and neighbors' lifestyle changes, the impression- able Moomins find themselves attempting to adopt the teachings of their new spiritual leader. But the freer they get, the more miser- able they feel. Moominvalley's state of divine chaos is further complicated by the proph- et's well-intentioned decree to free all of the jail's inmates. Moomin Begins a New Life is an eccentric all-ages adventure from the acclaimed Finnish cartoonist Tove Jansson that explores the appeal of self-transforma- tion and the pursuit of happiness. culture is that she addresses serious, often uncomfortable issues-uncertainty, heart- break, mortality, natural disasters, our ample human imperfections-with great compassion and warmth, never chastising or preaching but instead celebrating the light in life and aiming its generous beam at the dark."-Maria Popova, Brainpickings