Posted by Will on 31st Aug 2024
Batman Day Signing With Andy Diggle and Jock
What’s this, Jock and Andy Diggle are signing at Gosh!, the same day as Christian Ward, Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay? It’s Batman Day as well? Aren’t most of these creators part of the super hot new publisher DSTLRY as well? YES! You are correct. On Saturday 21st September between 3-4pm, Andy Diggle and Jock will be signing their work for you here at Gosh!
As the event is taking place on Batman day let’s take a look at what publishers DC have to say about Jock’s latest Batman book, One Dark Knight!
“Iconic Batman artist Jock delivers a bare-knuckle brawl through the blacked-out streets of Gotham!
All they had to do was get him across town.
It was the sort of mission Batman had run a thousand times. From high above the sweltering summer streets of Gotham, Batman would escort the GCPD as the dangerous metahuman super-villain known as E.M.P. was transferred from a temporary holding cell to his permanent home at Blackgate Prison in Gotham Harbor. E.M.P.’s electrical powers posed a dangerous threat, but the situation was well in hand.
Until it wasn’t.
Now every light in Gotham is out, the police have been knocked into disarray, and a broken, bleeding Batman must fight his way to Blackgate, block by block, dragging E.M.P. behind him. But it’s not just the gangs who want to make life difficult for him. The dark corners of Gotham contain many surprises…and E.M.P. has many more shocks to deliver before the night is through!
One of the most iconic Batman artists of the 21st century, the incomparable Jock (THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS, BATMAN: THE BLACK MIRROR), has focused all his storytelling powers on the tale of one very, very dark night in Gotham City. It’s always darkest before the dawn—if it ever comes…”
Jock and Andy Diggle will be signing here for Batman Day on Saturday 21st September, from 3pm. We’ll be giving away one free Batman Day comic with any purchase of a Batman comic or graphic novel whilst stocks last!
Keep up to date with any news over on our Facebook event page.